So, just for the record... it was negative stoopid (double digits) when we left for Hawaii. This is a shot of me on our hike the day before our flight:
And this is Shelby, caught in the act of trying to stowaway in our suitcase:
This is a very cool spider we saw at the Allerton-McBride Gardens:
I couldn't stop looking up at the treetops!
This is the river that runs through the Allerton Garden.
This waterfall was our hiking destination after a kayak up the Wailua River. If you ever want to check it out, go with Rainbow Kayak tours, Davey is a great guide! The waterfall is about 120 feet tall. The water in the pool at the base is COLD! But I figured I'd try it out, it couldn't be any worse than Mud, Sweat and Tears :)
When you got close to the water fall, there was so much wind, generated by the falling water that it was hard to breathe! I had to back into it, in order to breathe. Wild!

And this.... this is the home of the finest coconut cream pie I have ever had the pleasure to savour... If you're headed to Kauai, you're only hurting yourself if you miss this little gem!
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