Friday, January 30, 2015

A beautiful memory of my Lucy

So, I'm tidying up.
Which means basically moving things from place to place.
In the process I found an old journal I used for my 3:15 writing experiments.
If you've never heard of the 3:15 writing experiment it goes like this:
Set your alarm, so that you wake every morning at 3:15 am.  Yes, 3:15 AM.
You keep a notebook by your bed, and a pen, pencil, crayon...  a writing utensil of your choosing.
When you awake at this ridiculous hour, you groggily put to paper whatever groggy thoughts are in your head.
This is one I found from April5, 2011:

Awoken by my alarm
but raised from bed by the tapdancing of dogs,
this 3:15 is no longer my own.
My guardian Lucy comes
to restore my faith in sleep
putting her foot down
exactly where I'm writing, saying

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